

Bonjour, Est ce que quelqu’un peu corriger cette lettre merci d'avance

Dear Olivia ,
I'm having a great time here in NYC ! Jack has shown me everything ! (We have breath-talking and thrilling)Rockfeller center, Central Park, Ellis Island and the statue of liberty . It's so funny and hot . We staying in a hotel next to Central park. The room is lovely. Tomorow we are going to Shopping on the 5th avenues( It's a shopaholic heaven) ! But, it's also very expensive .. NYC is such an amazing city. These holidays are the best of my life !!!

Wish you were here.

Love Emma XO

2 Réponse

  • Bonsoir, il y a une faute à "Tomorow". Ça s’écrit avec deux R, donc "Tomorrow"
    Voila, j’espère que ça t'aura été utile .
  • talking = taking

    Rockfeller  = Rockefeller
     staying  = are staying

    Tomorow = Tomorrow

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